Tony Abbott’s recent attack on Peter Garrett over what we might call the “insulation affair” seemed somewhat hypocritical..
The leader of the federal Opposition chipped away at former Minister for The Environment calling for his sacking over what he saw as the mismanagement of his department, accusing him of everything short of murder..
Obviously there were some shortcomings in the implementation of the program, but whether or not you see the Minister as personally responsible hinges almost entirely on your political affiliations.
Mr Abbott (above) is undoubtedly an honourable fellow, but it seems he has confused political aspirations and values with honesty and objectivity – it is another case of don’t listen to what people say, rather watch what it is they do.
History, even recent history, is apparently unimportant and irrelevant when Mr Abbott looks and searches for a political foothold.
Mr Abbott’s comments about Peter Garrett’s performance come in the shadow of a government decision, a government of which he was an active part, that committed Australia to a war in another country in which thousands of people died, including a few Australians.
The violence in Iraq and Afghanistan seems unlimited with the death of more than 100 coalition soldiers so far this year, a trivial number compared to innocent civilians who suffered injuries or a violent death.
Mr Abbott was a part of the government that took this country into a war that appears without end.
Australia, we should always remember is simply the magnification of those we pass on the street every day and who, in many instances, abhor violence and yet, it seems, have swallowed the Abbott line.
Obviously the complications associated with the government’s insulation scheme are less than ideal and deserve some censure, but in calling for Mr Garrett’s head, the leader of the Opposition needed to consider his party’s past and put matters surrounding the insulation debate in context.
The Liberal leader celebrates Mr Garrett’s demotion and conveniently forgets, and apparently so do many Australians, that is was a Liberal led coalition government that took us into a violent confrontation that has led to the suffering of thousands and the deaths of many.
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