by Robert McLean
last week that you and I, through our Governments, were to spend nearly $300
million supporting a dying industry left me weeping, metaphorically.
children, my grandchildren and their children, particularly the latter
generations, will have forced upon them a difficult world of scarce hope
because of such populist and short-term decisions.

Rather than
stake our future on what is little more than an aging dinosaur, we should be
looking for a “Black Caviar–like” winner that will enable us to gallop into the
future with confidence.
Easier said
than done of course as the motor industry is an intricate part of society, both
physically and psychologically and to wean ourselves off it will be even more
difficult than erasing the fondness we have for alcohol.
That shift
away from our partiality for the motor car is for the good of our
grandchildren, society generally, the earth in a broad sense and, in
particular, our atmosphere.
of the $275 million bailout for Holden, defend the decision through argument
that it brings massive economic and social benefits that are not just relevant
to the company, but percolate through our society to benefit all.
That is a
questionable position and one if examined closely and considered with reference
to contemporary history is simply false.
The promise
to sustain the industry for another decade is little more than digging a deeper
hole to fill with ever more taxpayer cash and so rather than spend to prop up a
failing, and already irrelevant, industry we should be spending to abate the
convergence of climate difficulties, resource depletion and a worsening world
The motor
car is a significant contributor to the world’s climate difficulties, it
success depends on a resource that is in terminal decline, the individuality it
promotes erodes the strength of society and the cash it consumes would be
better spent on building resilience, co-operation and consensus in communities.
The natural
world can no longer sustain our insistence on endless growth and its reaction
to that human resolve to grow is in evidence around the globe, including right
here in the Goulburn Valley .
responsibility to those who follow is not about guaranteeing they will have a
Holden to drive, rather they will have a habitable world; a world in which the
seasons are predictable, rainfall is equally predictable; a world in which all
species, from the largest to smallest are valued; a world in which the welfare
of people is put ahead of profit.
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