Thursday, May 31, 2012

Decidedly different beliefs, but strikingly similar ideals

The fellow considered to be “Mr Shepparton”, Bill Hunter, died recently and was buried on Thursday (May 31). More than 1000 people attended his funeral and being one of those, I later that day reflected on knowing him through my former role at Editor of the Shepparton News.

"Mr Shepparton" - William
Birchall Hunter.
Bill Hunter and I had decidedly different beliefs, but in the chaos that is life, we had strikingly similar ideals.

He was ardently attached to some values that I saw as frivolous, but even though my position was obvious, and different, he was always a truly nice bloke whose friendship never fluctuated despite those dissimilarities in our relationship.

His obsession with the “bigger picture” and the importance of getting things done, seemed to relegate those lesser personality issues that people often focus on to near the bottom of his hierarchy of concerns.

That, however, does not suggest Bill didn’t care about those around him: he did, and that was unquestionably one of his true strengths – he cared deeply, about everybody and everything.

Listening to W.B. Hunter Group managing director, Michael Moroney, and the Shepparton based MLC, Wendy Lovell, talk about his dynamism and his long and tireless contribution to the Goulburn Valley, and Shepparton in particular, it feels rather bold of me to call him a friend.

However, it was obvious to all at yesterday’s funeral, that Bill was everyone’s friend, even in the rough and tumble of business and politics at the local, State and Federal levels.

Bill had the rare skill to identify something for what it was, do it without undue offence, move on and again focus on the greater good for the greater number.

The lessons of history were not wasted on Bill for he understood scarcity and the use of finite resources.

No matter where he was and should he need to remind himself of something, he could produce a used envelope and quickly note the message. Bill never wasted anything, not even used envelopes.

Every community needs a champion and the one we fare welled yesterday was the essence of the energy that saw Shepparton become Greater Shepparton.

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